Stewards for Christ

A Prayer Ministry of Faith and Hope


Welcome to: STEWARDS FOR CHRIST. My goal here is to share my walk of faith with you and others. A journey to know Christ; weave daily prayer into our lives and get closer to God. Yes, it is a personal journey. A path at times we travel alone yet yearn for accompaniment with others. This is when the action of the term Synod comes in…journeying together.

As His child and a Prayer Warrior, we must pray for one another, for the world and our needs. Times are troubling, and those weak in faith, unsure, those forgotten need our prayers. Let us share our walk of Faith with them.

Many of you look to this page for the Devotional to the Prescious Blood of Jesus Christ. It will remain. Please continue to pray it throughout the year. Many souls will benefit from all your prayerful efforts.

Our mission…to save souls for Jesus Christ. He wants us to seek him. We need to seek him.

May God’s peace and blessings be with you always. Guadalupe Irma


Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Devotion

Thank you for praying this great devotional during the month of July with me. Please pray it forward.

How to pray this devotion How To Pray PB Jesus Christ Devotional — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 1-9 Novena Honor of Nine Choir of Angels

Great Month July: July 1-9 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 13-15 Novena in Honor of the Most Holy Trinity

Great Month July: July 13-15 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

July 20-31 Novena for the New Israel

Great Month July: July 20-31 Novena — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (


Additional prayers to this great devotion:

The Holy Rosary The Holy Rosary — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Chaplet of the Precious Blood Chaplet Of The Precious Blood — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Litany Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ Consecration Precious Blood Jesus Christ — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Consolation Prayers Consolation Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

Adoration Prayers Adoration Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Anguished Appeals The Anguished Appeals — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

The Mystical Prayers of our Lord Jesus Christ Mystical Prayers — THE GREAT MONTH OF JULY (

May God bless you.



Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Prayer #1: Make the Sign of the Cross Five Times

Jesus told Elizabeth, “A great battle awaits you, but you will conquer in the sign of the cross. When you make the cross, think of the three Divine Persons. Make the sign of the cross five times, while thinking of my Five Wounds. Always look at my eyes bathed in blood. Tell everyone all that I tell you. (P.17)


Prayer #2: The Prayer of Jesus (The Unity Prayer)

The Flame of Love

The Renewal of the Earth will take place through the power and imploring force of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

—Our Lord to Elizabeth Kindlemann.

My adorable Jesus, May our feet journey together.

May our hands gather in unity. May our hearts beat in unison.

May our souls be in harmony. May our thoughts be as one.

May our ears listen to the silence together.

May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.

May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.

Jesus said, “Through this prayer, Satan will be blind and souls will not be led into sin. ( p.25 ) The Lord explained, “Satan being blind signifies a worldwide triumph of my Sacred Heart, the freedom of souls and a full opening of the road of salvation.” (p. 87)

Prayer #3: Hail Mary: The Addition of the Important Petition

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed are Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

For a long time, I did not dare to record Our Lady’s petition, “When you pray the Hail Mary, include the following petition, ‘Spread the effect of grace of thy Flame of Love over all of humanity.’” When the bishop asked why this should be done, Jesus explained, “Because of the Holy Virgin’s efficacious pleas, the Most Blessed Trinity granted the outpouring of the Flame of Love. For her sake, you must place this prayer in the Hail Mary” (February 2, 1982). Mary said, “I want to awaken humanity by this petition. This is not a new formula but a constant supplication. (p45-p.46.)


Prayer #4: Prayer for the Propagation of the Flame of Love

With the personal approval of his Holiness Pope Paul VI November 1973

Blessed Virgin Mary, our cherished heavenly Mother, you love God and us, your children, so much that you offer us to your Divine Son Jesus on the Cross, to forgive us by our Heavenly Father and to obtain our salvation, so that all those who believe in Him do not perish but obtain Eternal Life.

With a filial confidence, we pray to you, Virgin Mary, that with the Flame of Love of your Immaculate Heart, kindled by the Holy Spirit, you ignite in our languid hearts the fire of a perfect love for God and all humanity, so that together with you, with one heart, we love God and our neighbor.

Help us to transmit this holy Flame to all people of goodwill, so that the Flame of Love extinguishes the fire of hatred everywhere on earth and that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, be the King and the center of all hearts in the Sacrament of His Love on the Throne of our altars. Amen.


Link for additional information of the Flame of Love Movement.

Link to download Flame of Love Prayers: Flame of Love Prayers – Flame of Love

Link to download the Rosary of the Flame of Love: Rosary Meditations – Flame of Love